Oscar Coop-Phane est né en 1988. Après quelques années d’études et un séjour à Berlin, il décide de se consacrer entièrement à l’écriture et occupe divers petits emplois comme celui de garçon de café. « Zénith Hôtel », son premier roman a obtenu le prix de Flore en 2012. Il en a depuis écrit sept autres. Il a été pensionnaire à la Villa Médicis en 2015-2016. Ses livres sont traduits en anglais, russe, danois, turc, russe, arabe et farsi.
Oscar Coop-Phane was born in 1988. After a few years of study and a stay in Berlin, he decided to devote himself entirely to writing and took on a variety of odd jobs. “Zénith Hôtel”, his first novel won the Prix de Flore in 2012. He has since written seven more. He was a resident at Villa Médicis in 2015-2016. His books have been translated into English, Russian, Danish, Turkish, Russian, Arabic and Farsi.
>> Oscar Coop-Phane will be present at the opening performance (22nd March, 7pm, Alliance Française), at the third panel “A Matter of Taste…” (23rd March, 3.30pm, Dublin Castle) and at the last panel “Emerging Tastes” (24th March, 11am, Alliance Française)
We welcome this year 12 writers of French, English and Irish languages