Áine Ní Ghlinn is a poet and children’s writer with 35 books published. These include six collections of poetry for adults and a range of novels, stories, picture books, drama and poetry for young adults and children. She is the curent Laureate na nÓg, Ireland’s Children’s Literature Laureate (2020 – 2023). Awards include Children’s Books Ireland fiction honour award, the Oireachtas Gradam Reics Carló Children’s Book of the Year (3 books) as well as poetry awards at Strokestown Poetry Festival, Listowel Writers’ Week, Oireachtas, etc. Her
recent collection, Rúin Oscailte was shortlisted for Gradam Uí Shúilleabháin, Irish language Book of the Year 2021. Her poetry and young adult novels explore a range of taboo themes, including grooming and sexual abuse.
Áine Ní Ghlinn est poète et écrivaine pour enfants. Elle a publié 35 livres, dont six recueils de poésie pour adultes et une série de romans, de récits, de livres d'images, de pièces de théâtre et de poèmes pour jeunes adultes et enfants. Elle est l’actuelle lauréate na nÓg (2020 – 2023). Parmi les prix qu'elle a reçus, citons le Children's Books Ireland fiction honour award, le Prix Oireachtas Gradam Reics Carló Children's Book of the Year (3 livres) ainsi que des prix de poésie au Strokestown Poetry Festival, au Listowel Writers' Week, à l'Oireachtas, etc. Son dernier recueil de poésie Rúin Oscailte a été présélectionné pour le prix Gradam Uí Shúilleabháin du livre en irlandais de l'année 2021.
File agus údar do dhaoine óga a bhfuil 35 leabhar foilsithe aici. Scríobhann sí do dhaoine fásta agus do dhaoine óga de gach aois. Ina cuid filíochta agus ina húrscéalta do dhéagóirí, cíorann sí téamaí ar nós mí-úsáid ghnéis, mealltóireacht agus ábhair thoirmiscthe eile.
Tá sí ina Laureate na nÓg (2020 – 2023). Tá go leor gradam buaite aici, ina measc, duaiseanna ag Seachtain na Scríbhneoirí, Lios Tuathail, Féile Filíochta Bhéal na mBuillí agus go leor duaiseanna Oireachtais. Bhuaigh sí Gradam Reics Carló Leabhar na Bliana (X 3). Bhí an cnuasach filíochta is déanaí dá cuid, Rúin Oscailte ar ghearrliosta Ghradam Uí Shúilleabháin 2021.
We welcome this year 19 writers of French, English and Irish languages
Estelle Benazet Heugenhauser
John Boyne
Niamh Campbell
Jan Carson
Northen Ireland
Oein De Bhairduin
Fanie Demeule
Irene Frain
Emmanuelle Josse
Hervé Le Tellier
Eoin McNamee
Pap Ndiaye
Áine Ní Ghlinn
Micheál Ó Conghaile
Kevin Power
Keith Ridgway
Rita Sakr
Lebanon / Italy
Anne Serre
Ailbhe Smyth
Vanessa Springora