Kleeberg Michael Kleeberg was born in Stuttgart in 1959 and grew up in Böblingen and Hamburg. While |
studying politics and visual communication he worked as a journalist, nurse and dockworker. Following stays in Rome, West Berlin and Amsterdam, he moved to Paris in 1986, where he was co-owner of an advertising agency while continuing his writing. His first novel Der saubere Tod (1987) is an honest and unembellished depiction of the Berlin squatter scene in the eighties. His awards include the Anna Seghers Prize (1996) and the Lion Feuchtwanger Prize (2000). Michael Kleeberg, who also works as a translator from French (Proust, Huysmans) and English (Dos Passos), lived in Burgundy before moving to Berlin in 2000. In 2008, he was Writer-in-Residence in the city of Mainz.